Simple Steps You Can Take to Improve the Health of Your Heart

heart murmurIt’s so important to look after your heart. After all, it’s probably the most vital organ in your body and if it goes wrong, it can cause serious health issues. As a result, you owe it to yourself to take good care of it and make sure you keep in optimum health at all times.

However, there’s a lot of conflicting advice out there on how to maintain a healthy heart. The good news is, it’s actually not as difficult as you might think. Here’s a few changes you can start making in your life today.

Small Changes: Big Results for Your Heart

1)    Eat a small handful of nuts each day. According to Michael Rosen, chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic, eating just six walnuts before lunch and dinner can help reduce inflammation around the heart, thanks to their high levels of omega 3 fatty acids.

2)    Aim to exercise, even if it’s only in short amounts. It’s recommended that you engage in aerobic activity throughout the week; however, it’s important to remember that when it comes to your heart, even small amounts of exercise are better than none! If you can manage to do just 15 minutes of cardio activity a day, this will help improve your health.

3)    Quit smoking. When it comes to your heart, smoking is one of the worst things you can do. When trying to stop, keep the following in mind. Within a year of stopping, you’ll have reduced your risk of heart disease by as much as half. After a decade, your heart will be in the same condition as someone who has never had a cigarette in their lives.

4)    Cut the salty snacks. Excess salt is a major contributing factor to heart disease. If you know you’re fond of salty snacks, try finding substitutes. Swap your salted peanuts for raw ones instead, and ditch the potato chips in favor of some unsalted crackers with a thin spread of butter.

5)    Lose the stress. Stress is a major cause of heart attack, due to the stress hormone cortisol, which causes build-up of plaque in the arteries. Try to limit stress in your life; or if this isn’t possible, take up meditation to help combat the effects of your stressful lifestyle.

Monitor Your Heart Health

As with any part of your body, it’s important to give your heart a regular health MOT, to check it’s in perfect working order. If you’d like to book a professional examination or discuss an existing condition with a specialist, simply get in touch with Cardiovascular Solutions Institute today at 941 747 8789.