No Big Deal: Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery

There was a time when the words “heart surgery” could cause a patient to go into a panic. A lot has changed since then, and today many heart surgeries can be accomplished through very small incisions into the patient’s chest. This is known as minimally invasive heart surgery, and it has changed the way both doctors and patients see this type of life-saving procedure.

With minimally invasive heart surgery, the cardiac surgeon does his or her work via small incisions that are made into the right side of the patient’s chest. The surgeon works between the patient’s ribs and does not have to cut through the sternum (breastbone). For most people, this means less pain and a faster healing time. It may sound unusual, but in many cases the doctor actually has a better view of the organ with minimally invasive surgery than with traditional open heart surgery. It should be noted, however, that minimally invasive heart surgery still requires that the heart be stopped temporarily and that blood flow be diverted using a heart-lung machine.

Today, there are many procedures that surgeons can use minimally invasive heart surgeries. These include:

It must be noted that not all patients and not all heart problems are good candidates for minimally invasive heart surgery. Your doctor can tell you if this is an option or not for your condition.  Generally, those who have had heart surgery or heart disease in the past are not candidates for minimally invasive heart surgery. Also, certain tests may need to be performed before your doctor can make a final determination as to whether or not this surgery is possible for you and your condition.

Advantages of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery

There are many advantages to having this type of surgery, some of those advantages include:

Risks With Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery

Any type of surgery has risks, with minimally invasive heart surgery the risks are fewer, but they do include:

As is true with any medical condition, cardiac problems are always best treated when they are discovered early and treated soon. For this reason, those who may be suffering from any type of chest pain, light-headedness, short of breath or other symptoms that may suggest cardio issues are present, a consult with your primary care physician should not be delayed. Many heart problems can now be successfully treated and managed if medical assistance is implemented early on.

If you would like to learn more about minimally invasive heart surgery, or to learn if you are a possible candidate for this type of procedure, contact a local cardiologist or request a consult to one through your doctor’s office. As we have seen, taking advantage of this type of surgery has many benefits over other types of heart surgery.