What Should You Know about Your Pacemaker?

If you need proof that technology is a lifesaver, look no further than the pacemaker. This small device is placed in the chest to control abnormal heart rhythms, and using nothing but electrical pulses it is able to prompt the heart to beat at a normal rate. If you suffer from arrhythmias, a pacemaker can help you live a more active and fulfilling life without the constant risks of fatigue, fainting, and loss of consciousness.

The Role of Electrical Signals in Your Heart

Your heart beats and keeps you alive thanks to its own internal electrical system. Electrical signals spread all around your heart with each heartbeat. As those signals spread, they cause your heart to contract and pump blood. However, when the electrical signaling within your heart becomes faulty, you begin to suffer from arrhythmias.

Why Should You Seek Care For Arrhythmias?

Arrhythmias are problems with the rate or rhythm of your heartbeat. Your arrhythmias might cause your heart to beat too slow, too fast, or in an irregular pattern. This means that your heart may fail to pump enough blood, which leads to dangerous symptoms like fatigue, shortness of breath, and fainting. Severe arrhythmias are even capable of causing death.

Use a Pacemaker to Improve your Heart Health

Your arrhythmias will not simply disappear with time and hopeful thinking. You need to seek professional care from a cardiologist in order to reduce arrhythmias and safeguard your heart health against future problems.

Once a pacemaker is placed in your chest, it will balance the electrical system that controls your heartbeats. This means it can speed up a slow heart rhythm, control a fast or abnormal heartbeat, and make sure all ventricles contract normally. Newer pacemakers even have advanced technologies that track your blood temperature and breathing rate.

If you are ready to live a more active lifestyle without the constant worry of an irregular heartbeat, call (941) 747-8789 to make an appointment at Cardiovascular Solutions Institute. Dr. Gino Sedillo, M.D. will fit you with a pacemaker that can last up to 15 years before needing to be replaced. With regular checkups and smart lifestyle habits, you can improve your heart health and give yourself the gift of a normal life.