Cranberry Juice, Yoga, and Other Heart Health Hacks

yogaTaking care of your heart is a year round responsibility, and with all of your other tasks and responsibilities you might accidentally forget to take care of your body’s most critical organ. These heart health hacks can help you maintain your cardiovascular health without adding more stress into your life. They’re simple measures you can add to your routine without any extra trouble.

Drink Some Cranberry Juice

There are few beverages other than water that can benefit your body, and cranberry juice is one of them. Pure cranberry juice is loaded with antioxidants that fight disease and improve cholesterol levels. It only takes two glasses a day to raise the “good” HDL levels of cholesterol in your body while lowering the “bad” LDL levels. Since cranberry juice also has a track record of preventing urinary tract infections and reducing the risk of gum disease and stomach ulcers, you have many different reasons to drink up!

Try Yoga

Cardiovascular exercise is obviously good for your heart, but did you know that yoga is also? First of all, yoga helps your body channel stress in a healthier way. The normal reaction to a stressful situation involves the brain releasing adrenaline into your system to generate a fight or flight response. This increases your blood pressure, so when you live in a constant state of stress, your high blood pressure can really threaten your overall wellness. Yoga helps reverse those impacts of stress by improving stress-related imbalances in the nervous system.

Remember Your Fish Oil

Sure, fish oil doesn’t sound like the most appetizing thing in the world, but believe it or not there are many brands available that have managed to make incredibly tasty yet efficient fish oil products. Fish oil is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are nothing short of critical to your heart’s health. You can obtain omega-3s from eating salmon, almonds, and flax seed, but a fish oil supplement guarantees your body gets the amount it needs. Omega-3s not only reduce the risk of an irregular heart beat and slow the buildup of plaque in your arteries, but they also can help to lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels. What’s not to love about omegas?